Rabu, 13 Agustus 2014

tex pidato bahasa inggris

Your excellencies Jurist
Your excellencies the Teachers
Your excellencies the Orators
And all muslin brothers and sisters in Islam

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
          الحمد لله ربّ العالمين, وبه نستعين على أمور الدّنيا والدّين والصّلاة والسّلام على أشرف الأنبياء والمرسلين وعلى اله وصحبه أجمعين.
 (أما بعد)
There isn’t the most beautiful sentence to say in this good opportunity, except to pray and thank to our God Allah SWT, because of his blessing and mercies, so everything can be performed without hindrance, trouble and obstacle, and God willing, everything has been done will be useful for our life in this world and hereafter.
 We don’t forget to our expectation, may peace and my salutation always be presented to our prophet Muhammad Saw, who has guided the human to change the bad character in to the good and also by his guidance we are able to compare the good thing and the bad one, the right way and the wrong one, in order to get god paradise.

Ladies and gentlemen !
Standing here, I’d like to talk about :
Well !! ladies and gentlemen !!
            As we know that in globalization era have gone on the effect and influence between culture and habit from one country to another country. The positive and negative effect can enter to society and that all can’t be avoided. And the impact will be felt when happen the change of behavior from the following society. The effect from west culture, hedonism life and free intercourse of teenager by ignoring religion norm and culture, impact globalization of information and communication have poisoned, our teenager or our country.
            Situation like this gradually will change behavior and view of life for teenager, so that, it will be impact happening morality crisis from them. They will e easy to be brought to life system that is materialistic, hedonism and seculer. Thus, the teenager will loss the character as people that possess a good behavior and religious.
Well Ladies and gentlemen !!
            According to Islam, the forbidden act will result in the disruption of peace in society defeat the purpose of islam. Islam, through its moral teachings, tries to create a virtuous society in which the standard of right and wrong is the pleasure of God Allah alone. Islam hates every attempt to divide the bond of ummat into exclusive group, nation, language, and specific race
Ladies and gentlemen

(Q.S. At Taubah, 71 - 72)

That is    
   And those who belive men and women most of them have done a kindness,And prevents it from being evil,prayers,practice regular charity,and obey allah this messenger,they will be given mercy by the all mighty gods are gods and wise.God promised to the believers,male and female will have heaven beneath which rivers they remain in paradise.and scored well in heavan ,querying,and blessing gods big,this is very great victory.[q.s at taubah]
 Ladies and gentlemen
  q.s at taubah this become the primary mission of youth in shaping the character of the islamic religion and would obey.madrasah education as a bulwalk shall implement positive values in it.remember,there are of advanced globalization makes modern growt is very rapid.content of the role asked q.s at taubah good condition and prevent evil,remamber,education positive values of religion far more important than the others,lets us together and adhere to the madrasah al qur’an for the globalization era that many positives and negatives values.
              The impact that we have been felt as effect from globalization in everything level, namely : losing honesty, losing feeling responsibility, not thinking far to the future, low discipline, corporation crisis, and justice crisis. The root of problem from crisis this country. It is low efficiency from family environment, society environment, and school. Madrasah as islamic education institute  will be hoped can create smart human, so that our country can overcome crisis moral and morality.
            And I suggest and confirm one more to the rising generation, let’s key up to look for the science as material or capital at call appointed and performed as a leader.

Well !! Ladies and gentlemen !!
                The conclusion from the speech that globalization is a process widely influence a culture or religion to all over the world that will bring the negative and positive effect. So, for solving all it is by having a good education one ofthem is Madrasah.

Ladies and gentlemen !!
            May be enough from me, I say thanks for your attention and I apologize to you all if I have many mistakes, finally I say :

والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

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